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Miles Davis

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ate2zee But they know you need time off to watch Diffrent Strokes/Silver Spoons, right?@CharlieZipp: "It's going to be a busy, whistle-while-we-work week." (reblip)
CharlieZipp Well, I hope your aerial has a rotary system@ate2zee So you can move it to get the best reception.
jailbirdie I understand :) @MONIKKA ..but are these floods effecting you?
ate2zee If you tune into Tic Tacs, be careful@CharlieZipp: Mama raised industrious boys. Something always needs done@ATE If we're needed we're there. It's the (reblip)
CharlieZipp Mama raised industrious boys. Something always needs done@ate2zee If we're needed we're there. It's the SpanMaster way.
geegee_ Hello Peeps ...it's restful we are after!! Night Night loves
CharlieZipp I do love a motorcar ride now and then, but I could never own one@ate2zee Too messy.
ate2zee RB You finally made it back from your motorcar trip. Took the scenic route around the village?@CharlieZipp: "Did someone steal it, and now it's here?" (reblip)
CharlieZipp It's a pretty long prelude, but I have the time.
scotlandlover HI K...great to catch ya here :) rb @keithee: Just in case you fort I'd forgotten MD LPs as pressies. Keef on a gawjus day in SA" (reblip)
keithee @GeorgeSand@elyss@plural@scotlandlover@CharlieZipp: Just in case you fort I'd forgotten MD LPs as pressies. Keef on a gawjus day in SA
keithee @CharlieZipp@elyss@ate2zee@plural@roc_one@smaclaren: G'day. Just staying in today even tho Satdy cos bugger me its hot wiv capitol h. Keith in A /C

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